“I believe in the municipal ownership of these monopolies because if you do not own them they in turn will own you. They will rule your politics, corrupt your institutions and finally destroy your liberties.” Tom Johnson, Mayor Cleveland, 1901-1909

A Utility for the People
How will you benefit from Power San Diego?
What and who is Power San Diego?
We can fire SDGE!
join the movement
On May 14th, 2024, the Power San Diego team proudly submitted over 30,000 signatures to the City Clerk at the Registrar of Voters. This significant milestone brings us one step closer to establishing a not-for-profit public electric utility for San Diego.
What's next? The City Clerk will verify the signatures, and if we reach the 24,000 valid signatures threshold, the San Diego City Council can place this measure on the ballot. This is just the beginning. We will continue to build momentum through listening sessions, public education events, and volunteer opportunities.
Sign up and be part of the change!
By providing your phone number and submitting it through our website, you consent to receive text messages (SMS) from Power San Diego. These messages may include updates and other relevant information. Message and data rates may apply. You can opt out at any time by replying with "STOP" to any of our text messages.
We Need Change
Top 3
SDGE is in the top 3 in the nation for the highest rates.
1 Million
SDGE profits 1 million dollars a day, from San Diego City alone.
25% of SDGE’s customer are behind on their bills; by over $600.
San Diegans are facing exploitation by a relentless for-profit monopoly utility company driven by profit motives. Change is essential as our current situation is unsustainable.
Our mission is simple; provide electric service at a fair, reasonable, and affordable rates while maximizing economic benefit to the people of San Diego.
How will you benefit from the Power San Diego ballot initiative?
A grassroots City of San Diego initiative
It’s Power San Diego’s mission to lower rates, among other things. This is possible immediately as it allows for a complete change in business model. Power San Diego, is a not-for-profit public power utility versus SDGE, a for-profit investor-owned utility. Short-term savings will be around 20% as San Diegans will no longer be paying for SDGE profits or the associated taxes. Long term projected savings show $20 Billion in savings by 2042 while SDGE’s rates will only continue to rise.
Local generation and storage will continue to create longer term savings for San Diegans. Focus on multi billion dollar transmission lines to increase profits will not continue with Power San Diego. Refocusing to local, renewable energy production along with appropriate storage will create an environmentally friendly alternative with proven savings.
The City of San Diego leads in the amount of rooftop solar yet the costs continue to rise. This is because for-profit utilities, like SDGE, view solar customers as a “risk to their profits” and will continue to work against the best interest of their customers. Power San Diego doesn’t see it the same way. Not only will there be no additional fees for solar customers, Power San Diego wants to work with you to help power our grid, with the bonus of being able to meet San Diego’s decarbonization goals.
What is Power San Diego and who is behind it?
Currently, our initiative is focused solely on the city of San Diego.
Due to constraints in resources and financial backing, expanding our initiative to encompass the entire county remains beyond our current scope. Implementing measures at a county level typically necessitates significant funding, primarily for signature collection campaigns. In contrast, our project thrives on the enthusiasm and voluntary contributions of individuals like you.
Our aspiration was indeed to initiate this measure on a county-wide scale, considering the broader impact. However, we also understand the urgency of initiating immediate action. By starting in San Diego city, we aim to create a model of success that can eventually be replicated across the county.
Power San Diego is a community-led initiative in the City of San Diego, proposing to replace SDGE with a not-for-profit public power utility within the city’s limits. As a Public Utility, Power San Diego can reduce energy rates, safeguard rooftop solar installations, and focus on local energy generation and storage.
We are a group of San Diegans who have had enough with our rising electricity rates.
“The only way for us to be able to craft our own destiny as a city in both controlling our electric rates and coming up with the most cost-effective, smartest, innovative decarbonization clean energy plan is to have local control of the electric power utility,” said Bill Powers, the campaign’s chair. “Without that local control, we do not control our destiny.”
Power San Diego would purchase SDGE’s infrastructure within the city with low-rate municipal bonds that will be paid with customer revenue. Currently, SDGE customers pay upwards of 60% of their bill for infrastructure fees. Power San Diego’s infrastructure cost would be approximately 3¢ a kWh, a drastic reduction.
Short-term savings will be around 20% as San Diegans will no longer be paying for SDGE profits or the associated taxes. Long term projected savings show $20 Billion in savings by 2042 while SDGE’s rates will only continue to rise.
I will sign the initiative!
Sign me up to help!
We’re Different
Power San Diego is different than anything San Diego is currently offered.

Public Power Utility
Owns the Infrastructure – Poles and Wires
Purchase or Buys Needed Electricity
Stores Electricty
Prioritizes Solar
Answers to Citizens
Not-for-profit Public Agency
Can be a Standalone Power Utility

For-Profit Investor Owned Utility
Owns the Infrastructure – Poles and Wires
Purchase or Buys Needed Electricity
Stores Electricty
Prioritizes Profits
Answers to Shareholders
Can be a Standalone Power Utility

Community Choice Aggregation
Purchase or Buys Needed Electricity
Stores Electricty
Prioritizes Solar
Not-for-profit Public Agency
Cannot be a Standalone Power Utility
Public -vs- For-profit
SDGE rates are the highest in the country with other For-profits not far behind.
Average rate at SDGE
per kWh
Average rate in California
per kWh
Average rate across the Nation
per kWh

Public Not-for-profit
California Utilities Current Rates
Average rate at Los Angeles’s Public Utility
per kWh
Average rate at Sacramento’s Public Utility
per kWh
Average rate at Silicon Valley’s Public Utility
per kWh
California Utilities Current Rates
Average rate at San Diego Gas and Electric
per kWh
Average rate at Pacific Gas and Electric
per kWh
Average rate at Southern California Edison
per kWh
SDGE made nearly $1 billion in profits last year, up $21 million from 2022.
Refocusing to local, renewable energy production versus billon dollar transmission lines make long term savings possible.
SDGE transmission line from Imperial County
SDGE’s focus on rural transmission lines would only continue the rise of fees and be passed onto the customers.
$2.3 – $3.9 Billion
“Such a line will be extremely challenging to permit, and may prove to be simply infeasible, given the mountains, parks and developed suburbs that lie in the proposed path.” -Gridworks | May 2023
Local battery and storage focus
With changing the focus to local solar and battery storage over remote transmission lines Power san Diego would uphold the goals of California, by fazing out fossil fuels, but not at the expense of San Diego citizens.

Power San Diego Ballot Initiative Presentation to City Council
Presenter : Bill Power | July 26, 2023
NCCCA “Local Solutions for Our Clean Renewable Future” Event with Bill Powers.
Presenter : Bill Power | August 10, 2023
In the News
Citizen Supporters
We need you to make this happen!
Volunteer today.
By providing your cell phone number, you consent to receive periodic campaign updates through automated text messages from Power San Diego. For SMS, Msg & Data rates may apply. Text HELP for help, STOP to end. Privacy Policy: https://wearepowersandiego.com/privacy-policy/
Our Endorsers
Discover the driving force behind our campaign as we proudly introduce a dynamic coalition of influential community organizations, esteemed San Diego officials, both current and former, forward-thinking candidates, and visionary business leaders. Together, their unwavering commitment shapes our shared mission for affortable electricty rates while maximizing economic benifit to the people of San Diego.

Loretta Lynch
Former California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) President

Carl Wood
Former California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Commissioner

Cody Petterson
San Diego Unified School District Board Vice President, District C

Dianne Jacob
Former San Diego County Board of Supervisors, District 2

Marti Emerald
Former San Diego City Council Member, District 7 &9, Television Journalist

Lori Saldaña
Former California State Assemblywoman, 76th District
Organizations & Businesses
2,978 San Diego Citizens
TenleyN, AndrewV, TanyaG, BarringtonW, MatthewB, GeoffreyM, E ChloeL, MichaelD, DerekP, JeffB, LanceR, LarryH, DylanT, TheresaT, DebbieZ, KendraW, KitP, TayaM, RheaK, LaneS, MatW, JerryW, AndrewK, GauthamA, LukeR, BrianK, IvanZ, MichaelU, PeterL, DavidA, TessaS, michaelo, KatieL, BryanS, WilliamN, JoshuaM, YnezN, JamesC, SamH, JenniferM, ChristianH, VincentP, JonathanW, AnthonyC, ChristopherB, MichaelH, AmberH, KatH, MarkJ, MiguelM, MatthewR, FrankS, warrent, SarahO, BlakeM, ZacharyJ, GinoG, JoeW, StaceyW, DonnyC, MassimoS, MichaelW, JeremyB, simonr, ThomasO, ElizabethA, TyeW, BrandonS, ZiadT, IsabelaJ, QuentinL, MayaR, jaidr, ZacharyH, SaagarP, JoshuaL, timc, JeremyC, SeanE, JohnC, SamiO, PaulD, ParkerF, AndrewP, CharlesC, MistyG, WarrenS, MatthewD, ChrisR, AaronA, RafaelS, BenL, EdgarS, JacobR, SvenR, MichaelM, EricA, KyleS, NehemiasZ, NicoleM, JaredO, JuanC, SalmanS, MikeZ, DominicM, JonathanJ, NicoleH, JarodK, AllanH, JesseS, DashilaH, StevenF, CristalG, BlakeB, BrianM, DmitriM, JacobW, DanA, OliviaB, Ramakrishnana, MarkW, DoloresF, RyanL, AaronS, EvanR, EricC, SohailA, RamiroF, KyleH, DanicaV, WilliamH, LanceP, SenecaS, ChristopherR, SUDHEESHU, VinceP, JacobJ, UrvilP, HalS, AbrahamH, EmilyM, BriannaM, EdricY, TimothyM, TanithS, MichaelC, RyneH, GarrettG, TaylorB, MarkW, MattS, LaniE, StephenW, DavidP, SofiaL, HectorM, MadeleineT, JudithS, ThomasB, ArkanS, PeterH, PaytonT, DeionS, JakeW, EvvanB, AlexandraK, GiancarloA, DanielG, MyronS, MatthewJ, JesusM, SeanB, TamaraW, IanD, AbigailD, SusanL, ElizabethM, MitchellA, JillianH, AlistairN, KaileneG, michaelr, AndrewT, HannahW, TylerB, NicoleP, ZoeK, EmilyL, AshleyB, JessicaS, NicholasJ, MichaelB, SuzanneT, FrankC, AshleyF, BryanJ, RicardoL, SelenaF, StephanieK, KenB, CarrieL, JazminR, MichaelN, KevinG, JorgeG, EdmondH, LukeW, RonP, KellyC, RichardM, LouieD, ScottT, JohnR, AaronP, JesusC, JeffreyY, J. ErikF, JeffO, ReyeR, ShaunE, EvonneE, KevinK, DAVIDZ, GregoryC, CliffZ, JoeH, OscarP, ItzelA, AlieC, CynthiaL, RaynierR, GavinK, TaliaB, RobertA, MelissaS, DannyW, LaneS, CodyB, KevinT, MarissaA, KimanhV, AaronF, VishvaB, AnnaF, RemyM, dannye, NoeR, ChaseC, DanielL, DaniM, EricW, EmilyB, ErickM, LisaM, EricJ, AnthonyG, JamesT, BarbaraG, DeanH, TaylorS, StevenG, ValeriaS, MaxwellG, SherriS, SeanH, EdwardC, AlexisB, JeanieA, AaronM, MikeC, LonP, LuisH, JakeM, EmilyH, KenG, JosephF, ReneeH, PhoebeG, DaveG, alexs, SeanJ, TravisB, MatthewL, DorseyD, stephanieb, LucienD, AllisonQ, JohnW, MattK, HazelD, JamesC, AndrewT, DavidT, YuZ, MarioE, DanaB, EthanK, PhilN, JasonB, CameronB, KevinV, Mario LuisB, KennyN, StephanieR, RobertD, LeonardoR, TroyW, MorganP, DavidS, KellyS, MatthewW, CarrieW, DerekG, WesleyS, KeithL, PeterD, DennisT, MarkH, RobertL, MattL, JoshF, TylerL, TimC, LeviA, DavidS, JamesK, ZachW, LydiaS, GarrettL, LauraA, AmirS, JacobH, VincentS, BenjaminB, LarryS, ZackA, JesusO, CodyG, AndrewR, JanetR, MylesG, CoryC, ToreyK, RayS, GaryT, CoreyH, RayT, JakeT, SamB, AaronL, JaredH, AlecC, RyanM, DougH, MilesW, TylerM, ToddH, AndyP, GarretH, JeremyM, RobertA, BobH, ColleenC, AliciaC, FredG, TravisH, OrysiaR, AndrewM, KarolynA, GaryA, JoeF, JonS, ColeB, JeffreyM, MariahM, BrianD, TonyM, RayB, JoeM, JerryM, DustinS, MikeM, WesC, DerekR, JaysonS, AndyK, BradenB, WilliamG, ChrisM, SethB, JakeM, BrianO, EricL, MaxR, MarkM, BessieK, EvanS, JonG, AlexM, EddieR, ShaneK, BrianE, GavinH, MichaelL, EmilyR, JohnT, MarissaS, KevinL, JohnH, JimS, GeraldM, NoahS, LarryF, DylanB, NoahW, JonathanR, JaredK, SamP, KeonJ, MichaelP, KeithS, ChristinaB, JeffF, JimK, KevinW, MarkG, DerekL, DanG, DavidF, AustinW, JohnnyP, JohnM, TonyH, TravisS, JamieM, JoeS, EricD, RickB, JohnnyM, CodyR, NickG, ChrisB, AJG, VincentF, IsaiahH, LeeL, ZacharyC, ScottS, EricM, ChristopherT, TimK, LukeD, DanT, CoreyL, PeterW, AlexS, StanS, JosephL, BrandonH, MichaelG, ChrisH, MandyB, JamesM, EricP, IanP, DevinM, WilliamM, MilesM, KyleM, ColeK, CodyH, MattM, DaveL, MarkP, SethM, JonH, JonL, ThomasC, AllenD, RyanN, RyanK, KatieB, JasonS, JohnG, JordanB, NaveenC, WilliamL, RobertB, KristenR, JonathanC, MichaelK, TylerS, ChrisC, JoshH, AaronH, KevinS, TravisG, CharlesB, BrettH, JacobC, MarcP, KeithM, DanR, BrendanB, NickM, KevinC, JohnS, BrianC, EricW, JeremyG, KevinR, TylerP, BrianH, AlexH, JoeyC, DanielS, ScottC, AdamS, LukeM, JoshuaS, BrettC, PatrickC, KevinD, StevenM, BrianS, GregH, EddieP, JakeP, JoshuaB, CodyS, TimS, ScottB, DrewB, ChadL, BrianL, DavidM, DarylC, TomG, SeanM, JoshuaP, EricH, JohnH, DannyM, AllenL, AndrewH, AdamH, TaylorH, NicholasH, JonathanL, DanielB, BrandonB, CaseyB, BradS, JosephM, MatthewS, CodyM, AlexB, ChristopherG, NickB, JohnL, AndrewC, JasonC, EricC, TylerH, BlakeH, JesseH, DerekH, ChristopherD, TomC, AlexC, AndrewD, StevenS, JonathanH, EdgarC, KivancG, KathrynW, StevenT, JessicaP, YvonneT, LS, DevenH, DerynL, AbigailP, DustinN, jiew, NateP, JonathanR, SheaD, BobW, KarinaD, MatthewP, EmilyP, FinnigenR, ChristinaN, MelihT, GraysonA, ErinE, PoorviP, MichaelS, MartinO, LorindaS, ClaudiaN, JulianM, NaderH, ThaoL, KyleU, AndrewM, MarianC, MarilynN, NathanG, JamesS, GinaB, DanicaM, DanielE, CaraC, SeanR, EricS, PrestonR, CONNORC, MaddyK, MatthewH, Michaelf, KayC, ChrisL, YamaT, JoshW, EricaM, ViktoriyaC, MathewN, JessicaC, DanielW, KathleenB, JustinD, LeslieM, JacobS, adamc, josephy, DylanB, anns, JustinE, TamaB, NehemiasZ, ScottE, seank, CassandraE, BrendenL, BryanC, JeffreyC, JosephB, KatherineF, DhanashreeO, LibanS, NIKHILP, PatrickC, IdanyaM, RyanE, CarmeloG, JoshB, AxelF, BrendanN, JamesK, MaurilioA, RyanC, KevinB, DanB, AdamP, JaimeG, ShaneB, AngelloC, RickT, MaciM, ClaytonT, SheilaV, albertoc, KaileyL, TravisT, BarringtonW, MatthewS, AdrianV, JacobP, JohnW, EricT, CamilleS, StephenR, DonC, MarcoM, LauraM, BradS, AustinG, JeriS, JozefK, AlexU, MelissaN, shirleyq, QuentinM, NithinK, MichaelH, PhongN, RebekahD, NoahL, BaolocN, CodyR, TylerW, AndrewM, KevinS, JeffY, JalalM, WillH, SoheilK, RonaldB, PatrickL, IsaacG, RicardoV, OctavioV, BasilE, KurtK, RayL, ALTONL, sierram, GregoryG, MalinaC, AlexanderM, LeobanyO, SidaD, AaronP, SpencerB, KristineG, CarolynT, TravisA, BrianS, WhitneyI, MarkK, BrianH, MattD, MarshallS, EmilyH, LanaA, KatieR, ColbyJ, PelleJ, KennyG, JuliaP, RobB, KrisW, JulioR, OmarS, ChrisT, RachelT, JoeA, AnthonyZ, FrankB, GonzaloT, BenR, BrittneyN, LeslieT, demetrickw, DavidP, KoryB, TimC, TessaS, EricaF, JoshuaT, StephenA, JessicaO, HectorR, AndrewF, MattV, JaclynS, ChristianA, BeatrizM, KatieC, TroyT, ConanS, wadew, NicoleG, TRUEV, EvanL, StevenS, JensenW, JosephL, CaitlinB, nancym, AlexanderB, SAMUELT, AnthonyB, RyanS, ManikC, BrianM, AndrewD, ChristianU, MarvinA, SaidM, ShannonO, KyleJ, JacobH, JamesJ, HungN, AlexG, HeatherR, AnnaS, JackW, MariaW, SageF, CamerynY, ShaneA, EvanB, GraysonK, JohnL, samuelb, CesarV, GuangC, AlanM, AnthonyF, SteveK, HussainA, AnthonyE, JarettM, DavidJ, AdrianO, ChrisV, LarryC, AmyG, SheridanC, MatthewV, AndyI, AlexiP, JaneN, AlexF, CameronC, AnahiP, ChristinaD, SamuelM, MartinK, CallahanC, DavidR, NicoleS, SusanL, SashaA, AnthonyA, KathleenF, GilbertoV, MarkN, ThomasE, ChristineC, GabrielR, KatieP, PatrickM, KirstinN, WarrenW, JasonD, JenniferU, ShirahV, BruceA, CarlosR, ErinH, MichaelT, RileyB, AdamC, GrantG, AdamP, DillonJ, WilliamM, XiaoluW, AlexeiS, MatthewL, MichaelS, HeidiS, apekshan, SonokoK, EricW, StephanieM, AniN, KyleH, ShandraD, TeraK, AlexC, EileenQ, SkylerS, johnf, LindseyM, BritlynO, MattK, Kiwi Keithk, DavidW, JosephG, DanaC, RobertT, MelissaA, LuciannaB, RobbiR, RicardoH, AnnaH, DevinR, LoriC, ShantO, JoseG, ChristinaW, KyleB, KaileeA, SamanthaS, CassondraK, NadiaR, BarryH, AlexS, KimberlyM, JasonK, AngelaT, LanceP, AllenH, RobertB, AdrianA, JoshL, JaclynM, PacoW, AnitaP, LuciaI, AnthonyR, KristaM, NicholasB, EricW, LuciaF, MatthewD, ThomasW, CharlotteM, JamesC, ZiaS, AnneM, LarraI, kaitlynn, PeterC, McilroyS, MonicaR, TatyanaV, KathyN, MerrickC, ChrisM, SwethaM, DylanS, TimothyM, JamesL, AndrewP, KellyS, AmandaO, QuinnM, KhouryB, ColinS, StacyB, MelanieP, JoeyS, KendallL, JoshK, ViridianaG, DanielleL, AnnetteR, JustinS, JamieS, JacksonR, MARKP, NathanS, R.C, KatheribeM, TerrenceL, SteveC, MichaelL, JOHNR, DanJ, FranciscoJ, IanO, NicholasB, NarinR, LindsayG, ParinazS, JaneC, LeilaniB, GregB, HungL, patrickc, TressaB, MarcB, DonavynR, AndrewW, StaceyN, JerriH, PatrickM, JohnS, MarcD, PatrickH, SherrieR, JustinH, JohnD, JoshuaB, RyneH, AxelF, DanielR, DustinH, JacobH, GregoryB, LuongP, BrendaQ, SabaH, TaraF, GregoryL, KurtK, CharlesH, CharlesS, JeffO, JohnN, MarkW, BrettH, DavidM, CharlesB, IanM, KellyO, ChrisP, SherryH, ElizabethA, JosephS, ToriF, CalebB, DallonG, DavidF, VeronicaV, LynnetteS, QuincyK, MichelleT, ChristopherL, JasonD, JasonM, CodyW, BrandonE, MistyG, ColeH, PeterH, KaseyS, PatrickE, AndrewN, RyanV, DavidL, AndreaM, TatsuyaK, TracyM, PHILLIPT, AntonioM, KaylinD, LoganF, DanielleZ, JustinT, RicardoA, MichaelM, QuentinT, ToddS, WilliamY, BenC, YvetteR, BaoT, EricS, TaniaB, SethW, ScottP, CharlesS, MatthewB, LisaU, BenjaminW, ChristianC, VincentP, WayneW, JasmineZ, KevinZ, OwenW, JordanA, AbramV, Luna MarieK, EricF, KevinR, SalvadorE, VahidM, KrisM, GrazynaK, LucyS, VinayM, ToddG, JustinM, prashanths, GioV, JessicaA, Anna MarieB, ElizabethM, RyanP, JustinS, WaelT, NicoleG, AaronJ, RubyM, GuyC, MarkB, PrashanthV, NagaB, ReedC, JohnN, EricH, AnthonyM, LucyB, BenjaminC, DiwakarJ, EmW, AntonyC, JeremyN, DanA, HarishP, MohanR, BolunZ, ChanelO, KevinS, AlexanderV, LoganG, LucianoC, KevinH, TejendraS, CesarC, AlexanderL, CherryR, JeffP, MatthewA, JitenkumarS, BlairM, ElliottA, JamesL, JohnL, PhillipE, AndrewV, EvanA, AndrewK, StaciaS, AlonzoC, AllanA, EddieP, AnnaG, NathanF, JoshuaP, XingC, JiroA, PhilW, MichaelP, JohnM, AmarG, EmmettE, CharlesK, DavidS, DawnB, MarioS, ColbyB, XimenaV, ChristelE, JonathanK, KendallA, JeffS, SofieS, BhuvanP, AndrewH, OneilA, KrishaM, LoraC, KadenH, JamesT, RobertS, KwameF, CharlesC, ShereeL, StephenW, PeterJ, GinoA, VivekN, markl, DanielH, QuinnM, EstefaniaE, StephenS, LeonardoG, MyisaG, IsaacW, JustineA, JonA, DanielP, AuroraS, MikeB, DanniaR, AlexandraS, RonaldM, ZachT, NamirY, JenniferL, JonathanD, ChaddM, JoannaM, RobertR, AlexandraM, JulianM, ScottO, BrittanyK, MaxK, JohnL, SteveM, SamS, HectorH, EdwardC, GavinC, ScottB, SaraS, AlexanderA, ArjunS, LuluM, FredS, MadisonT, KellyC, JoshT, BenjaminR, MariaB, NicoletteY, GraceF, CameronR, AlexanderC, SophieE, JasonP, RyanM, JoshuaT, PaulK, NickS, ElvisV, MarianaS, FloraL, YunusE, AliceT, PeterK, MatthewD, FernandoF, CarmenC, SheenaN, XiaoyanY, DavidC, SiddharthK, diY, JingZ, ShadH, Zong JianH, JiahaoC, NicholasW, dannip, MarkG, DavidW, SiegfriedB, MelissaM, PatrickD, MariuszM, KennethE, AuroraV, JustinW, KathrynL, GregoryW, AlecL, JasonP, YangY, CaitlinF, IvanH, JoelZ, HannahC, XiaoweiW, JessicaG, AlanS, RachelC, DanC, ScottG, AdamK, TianjiaoL, ChaoL, ChristopherC, KyleB, JakeT, JessicaD, KendraM, yil, NatalieA, RicardoM, LarsS, ChristopherS, ClancyS, HenryF, HanpengJ, JordanY, YiY, JeremiahT, ChristopherS, BrendanP, YunqingS, ArielleT, JackT, DavidM, MistyC, DanielP, DingY, AnindaB, ChristopherD, CatherineC, AllisonM, BinZ, JohnnyG, SuzanneB, AndrewN, DwightC, JosephW, RomanR, MaireneB, BoZ, RachelH, BrandonM, GingerS, FelicuaT, JiyaoL, BillR, AaronE, Rachel KZ, FranciscoV, ElvaW, ToanT, AshleiC, FeiW, AmandaS, JunhuaW, AlishaH, NickM, XuanS, ChelseaC, KevinL, Juanaj, YuriR, CarlesP, MaxA, YingR, MartineW, AngelaP, MAIY, DivyaT, SheaK, ChrisL, IsabellaL, JonathanB, JordynG, MadelaineB, JonathonH, JamesJ, KarlaH, KurtM, TuanT, NicholasJ, HongD, MatthewT, ScottS, yany, HamidT, SamC, JakeA, ChaseK, LindseyG, EmmaleeS, AnthonyM, HanselT, JoshuaB, VijethJ, ChrisT, MatthewM, PeggyG, EdwardL, MerrisD, KaleS, TrentonV, JonathanS, AndresT, ShawnC, KevinG, AndrewF, JoshuaO, ABELA, EllenR, NicoleC, NicholasI, TitoS, DanielaM, StevenB, SrikanthR, MartinO, KevinK, LucieO, AndreaS, AndreyT, AndrewT, JuanS, NatalieM, YuL, EnriqueU, AnnabelD, NilsR, MichaelG, MarlenaD, ChristyJ, RichardJ, TimB, ChristopherJ, AllisonL, BrandonB, amirh, MarcL, PhilipP, JessicaR, BrittanyS, AngelitoD, JamalM, LorenzoD, SamanthaT, ArgyleS, PamelaF, Christian DaveN, IvanJ, BeatrizG, JeffreyB, RicardoC, vonp, MattK, DavidP, DavidH, MikeG, DavidF, JoelT, BenjaminD, KenS, AndreaH, ThomasM, SamuelS, MichaelG, RobB, RobertP, TerryH, MichaelT, JulianK, JosephH, MatthewA, MichaelT, JasonB, MatthewG, AnishK, AnthonyH, KarlaB, BasimA, BenjaminR, RuthN, VittorioL, ConnorR, MarcF, NayelyP, NelsonF, RinaL, EianM, HowardH, nickz, AllanB, SherriH, DanielF, UdayM, JasonV, JonathanU, JamesL, UrsulaG, RachelJ, JohnA, RaduR, RachaelC, OscarB, AnushreyaG, WesC, justins, ReedV, LinneaS, Birdieo, ZhiL, LoganK, GraceH, MichaelL, JoshS, RebeccaA, JustinM, EdwardS, ErinH, BeatriceC, D’BryantD, BriannaM, JamesR, RyanP, KurtisM, DawnB, KennyN, ErikS, SashaT, PhilipK, ChristopherN, CarolY, GregB, SamH, ToddB, andrewv, CarynS, WilliamA, nathanj, SharonT, FredaC, SunnyH, EricM, ERICT, HarryL, JessicaL, ThomasO, AngieO, BrettJ, AnantP, XeniaB, LeeC, VijaykumarN, CarsonB, PatrickM, GabrielA, SubbaramanN, SeanG, ShalinS, AldoL, GradonF, ArmanO, StevenK, DiyoraB, BrennanS, JuliaP, NoéA, EmileeM, DavidT, MohammadM, MichaelD, LennieH, FerronJ, ChristinaY, FloraL, LaMarcusB, DanielT, BriannaP, JordenM, MoniqueM, TonyB, SeanL, DennisD, GabrielleH, BruceC, BruceL, MichaelT, AaronM, MichaelP, LenoraM, AimeeF, FionaM, ChrisC, Dr. DavidS, DaneA, DaneK, RobertD, SamM, AndrewS, JoshuaK, AlannaE, OmarS, KatherineT, JeffreyL, AlessandraC, DaniellaS, JenniferM, MichaelL, HaeleyS, LeeB, JacobH, BrandenM, HitenP, WilliamL, YolandaM, FreddieB, PaulE, MikeQ, JeannineG, DAVIDS, JohnL, JalalS, HeatherH, MichaelM, BrandenD, LyricG, NancyC, MichaelE, MeghanH, JefferyA, SeanH, KyleK, GirishB, GenieB, KristaH, RobertT, ChristopherK, AlekS, LoganB, TrevorM, WesZ, DanC, ZacharyM, JosephM, BrandonR, CiaraE, JoanG, SheenaF, JessicaM, EricH, MihirK, jennab, KevinP, DucoteC, DeanA, ChloeR, ChantalG, MaziyarM, MarilynnH, CHRISTOPHERS, AliM, FloraA, WilliamG, ToddG, SamuelG, NicolasH, Brooked, AlecJ, JamesA, RaulV, KellyS, DanB, SabrinaG, ThomasS, KyleC, JulieC, CoreyA, JacobK, MarwanY, LucasP, ThomasL, MichaelW, Cora LynnP, RicardoP, BasilE, GangY, ToluP, JudyG, RachelE, JocelynS, TroyT, CarlosF, SabrinaA, PeterM, CameronB, DonteG, LuisH, AdamY, AngieR, HeatherH, JohnV, DennisW, ElliottB, AmieR, SabrinaG, MariaC, YifanH, HanyG, Jawadb, PriyaS, BrianM, ChaseZ, ChristopherS, JenniferB, MichaelF, MariaB, AlexM, BryanG, MinK, DustynR, StephenT, KellyW, RebecaG, LaurenK, GarrettF, SarahS, ArturoV, AaronK, MitchellP, JohnA, GiuseppeB, CollinW, MelissaR, Garyi, CARMELAK, ShelleyA, JosephC, MichaelM, JasonS, BijanS, TroyB, AhmadM, LukeR, GillianW, DesireeS, JenniferG, KyleS, AndersH, MercedesQ, SusanC, ColinV, ChelseaC, ConnorM, ThaiN, JasonH, AmberR, JonathanD, AbigailL, PrabhuswamyB, PauletteV, JeremyA, MoisesP, VictoriaP, MelissaM, DavidC, TrishA, ShannonC, SherylJ, KelliW, AnnaS, DenaM, TianaH, MatthewR, JordanT, SerhatE, eduardog, KellyB, MichaelS, KellyB, CrystalR, DominicP, BenG, StefanD, RachaelD, VikyathB, GavinoT, JustinL, MichaelM, ZuliaM, DoP, PattyK, joromes, ZezeS, LisaS, LandonH, BradleyW, AlexS, MohamedA, JuliaK, KimberleyA, LyndsiS, Zeze JoonS, DerekD, Sabrinav, KaitlinJ, BhaveshP, CathyG, DouglasR, ChristinaB, MaisynN, SageB, TatyanaT, ScottN, ErinP, ChelseaM, YunibaY, IvonneM, RichardT, TimG, DanielK, LaurenceN, KathyM, MichaelJ, KoichiN, MaryAnnK, VictorQ, GregM, StevenG, AlexO, ElizabethO, JenniferS, JoelV, MichelleW, JudyB, PatriciaS, JosiahL, JimP, WilliamS, ChristopherK, JoseD, CharlesN, MichaelK, WillieP, MauricioM, MitchellL, AdolfoO, JeremyM, LydiaW, HaiyinW, IvoF, NessyK, MarkusM, anaisc, CarrieL, BrentH, MichaelK, StephenS, ALIH, BenS, DaynanR, KevinW, ZiadA, NathanO, MarcA, JohnH, DeenaM, StephenB, PaulO, Jean-MichelR, JamesF, SumiK, AmorF, MichelleB, AndrewZ, AlexandraN, LawrenceL, ASHLEYF, EricW, LukeR, ThaddeusB, LynseyW, JerryL, RyanK, BinZ, MargaretR, MichaelC, ChristopherB, CathyG, KristianK, SaraW, NicholasK, QuintinR, nathanf, SeanK, JordanL, RoryM, AndrewR, BenT, LeiloaL, StephanieM, DylanB, LaurenM, JulieA, DylanR, RileyG, ChrisF, FernandoC, AlexD, HarrisonC, ChristopherD, JacobT, MicoR, TylerW, JustinO, AlexaB, CharlesT, LawrenceJ, LizaC, MikeF, SAMM, TYLERR, GentiS, PeterF, BrianC, AnuV, YunusE, AnnalyseO, KevinF, Wesley, tommyt, HassanP, NathanO, BrianW, YoshikiV, ShannaL, ChrisG, EricJ, BinhH, JosephH, KeithH, JamesC, CherylS, AimeeP, ViancaL, JordenG, JohnB, AhmadA, NathanW, EricH, SalilC, SophiaM, MatthewF, KathyM, MatthewD, PHILIPK, DouglasF, DavidW, ericq, MarioN, RohitS, KevinP, AlbertoA, RileyS, MichaelC, NildaA, KimberlyM, JCH, AlanF, KevinQ, giric, MichelleD, JosephM, MattR, SusanS, AntonioL, AndrewL, MaishaJ, RichardC, DianeA, AmarM, MariaF, RobertF, AndrewW, DaniraD, JeffH, MandyK, PeterL, KennethW, CharlieS, AliciaQ, CarmenR, MichaelD, MichaelG, MikeR, NickI, CoryL, FrinettaB, MattS, AlejandroE, KristyM, BenD, FaribaF, SusanJ, EricT, ShawnJ, AngelaK, TianenJ, MikeC, WilliamW, TessaL, CatherineH, FrankM, AlexR, EdwardC, PatrickW, ClaudeG, SusanG, AlexY, JanM, ChristopherL, MaggieL, BreeR, CARISSAR, BalasubramanianS, PeterB, ChadS, WarrenC, JennyJ, DanielV, YahorC, pradeeps, StevenS, AllanS, BeckM, BrianM, DesireeR, DylanM, JessicaM, AlexiaB, RobertB, JorgeP, LyleH, MariaG, KatieJ, ChristopherA, RyanP, OlavL, NikilS, GenevaG, AaronS, LeiZ, YiZ, BiancaR, JoshuaA, MarenH, JackieC, ColeP, BenjaminF, lindsays, AutumnM, JenniferN, LingyunZ, MarlenS, ScottG, SelinaD, TylerS, TiannaW, CorrineD, GiancarloA, GregoryH, RoderickR, IsaacV, GaryM, DanielK, StefanoB, JessicaG, KennethM, RachelA, KathleenM, RebeccaY, LemuelC, Joep, DonnyS, DavidB, StephanieJ, GailO, ArmanA, IrinaP, DanielA, ChadH, HesperH, StevenW, ShanaM, VanessaG, Michaelj, BosonR, JessieP, JovannyP, ScottF, WillH, AndrewV, AnthonyA, ShaunaR, JamesF, JeffS, NickM, AnnaF, RaphaelB, RinaH, JohnC, ShirK, NicoleR, ErnestF, KienN, SophiaF, CharlesC, BrittanyP, DanielleJ, AngelT, JeffJ, SkylarV, EverettK, SierraW, KristynF, RicoD, JanC, LanceW, AlanB, DanielB, SarahH, JuliaB, KandiR, AndreaM, RayG, ArickJ, AilinR, EvelynR, NancyR, OlaM, CassidyL, AmandaR, DouglasA, BrendanF, CarloC, ElaineH, MonicaS, MadisonV, KorbyR, JohnS, ShirleyV, ErinJ, AdamR, ChristopherF, BobW, OmarV, ZavierF, SuzanneR, JohnM, IsaacF, AnthonyG, ChrisA, BrettB, ElizabethW, EyadA, KristenJ, RobertJ, AlexanderS, KevinC, KarenE, HeatherF, AnnaM, BrettG, Xue YanP, Hai MinK, JamesM, KhalifaN, LuisO, MichaelR, EvaM, nancyd, JenniferC, AnneE, JonathanG, LindaK, JannellV, KarelyG, MichaelJ, DavidB, Maria-FaithL, JoelM, PatrickP, AndreaR, ValerieA, LarryH, HusseinE, BriannaH, DorisF, VictorC, EricO, ScotD, StaceyM, KevinS, KynequaM, AdamD, PhillipR, ChristinaG, CamilleP, RachelB, JanelleO, AndrewH, JohnathanO, KarenR, CarolinaP, EdgarP, CharlesS, DrewS, IanJ, KaitlynS, AlexanderG, AshleyT, DelanyB, RamonA, IanS, MonicaF, MarvinD, ColinT, JoelR, BruceT, AlexB, JillianD, MatthewW, RyanG, ChrisV, JennyM, RicardoH, NichollsM, KenF, AngelaC, JamesT, NathanR, ElaineC, CarissaO, RuthM, TiffanyB, KarenH, KarenH, JuneS, JustinD, AlyssaD, IsabelleD, CameronD, PaigeD, StaceyS, AllisonW, TimothyA, JustineK, RicardoB, ChandlerM, ConnorZ, FaramarzV, DmitryT, RitaS, StephanieJ, HeatherH, NickG, RobertL, JaedanF, AntonioO, AydenM, KaileyC, AshleyF, AmyA, ChristophW, JessicaD, YuryO, DeborahW, TaylorC, TylerG, MichaelC, GrantM, CaseyC, JeffreyQ, ColeW, RachaelH, BhavinS, MoniqueC, KevinO, GarrettG, MariahM, SriraghK, AmberG, GregoryN, AlyssaG, JeremyM, TaraS, JoshW, ShelahO, SkylerF, JasmineM, LeslieH, TravisT, ScottK, ErianP, AndresH, LuisR, DonovanD, MihirS, ThomasR, CindyS, LaurenW, CARLOSV, MarkH, JovannyP, NanetteA, ShantalR, DustinG, CameronK, JeanieA, SarahH, ElaineG, LeaU, BrianH, markl, CalebS, ALANR, SteveD, MichaelT, KaitlinM, JordanP, BaileyD, PatrickF, DanielleS, LauraP, MatthewS, AidenH, GregL, DeborahG, KalyanasundaramS, LynnS, EduardoS, KristianneM, CristinaP, JanM, BrendtP, ZacharyM, EricS, MichaelH, MeredithL, KeaganC, TiffanyS, KAYCEP, MonicaS, KendraC, BeckyH, JennaK, ChristopherP, MonicaR, CarlosG, MatthewB, ChristopherS, JerryM, JoelF, ChiacheL, EliotN, SeanC, KevinT, BereniceD, MichaelW, ErwinJ, VeronicaM, AliciaP, StasC, ERICM, JonC, AlexF, JaredP, AmandaR, GaryM, PuettW, LauraD, ErikO, XavierB, WillN, PeightonL, ChristopherK, EvalynderE, FARISF, EthanW, PahlS, KathyH, NicoleR, ScottC, AdamH, CharlesF, CaitlinB, CassandraM, AlexA, KellyF, JorgeM, ChantelleB, SamuelO, MatthewR, PaulC, MartinS, HaralambosH, FranciscoQ, ZachB, CassandraF, ArthurH, MichaelW, JonathanB, KendraW, MarkS, BarryG, KydP, GavinT, TravisR, ValerieS, AdrielG, FaustoR, WilliamH, ChristopherJ, GerardoP, AdalbertoL, JacksonK, RobM, WesleyJ, RachelV, EdwinR, CharlieI, ChristinaC, JonathanM, BrendaG, JoshG, DelaneyM, WendellJ, LaithA, IsabelO, OscarD, DeimiG, AshliV, ErikaA, JacquesL, SydneyV, JoseR, MonicaL, PeterE, EvaA, SunderK, KyraM, MegL, ShellyU, KarenB, RichardB, AprylB, MatthewF, BobB, RobertA, CamilleR, ShefaliP, WilliamH, jonevanb, RebeccaY, AvereeC, EmilyJ, JamesC, ZvinkaZ, JakeG, michaelc, CatieA, StevenO, BryanL, KaiG, KenyonR, SanjivN, ArronT, JackyD, MatthewB, TimW, HectorA, ANDRIANP, sarahs, DanielC, RYANT, JuanH, SamR, TeresaA, KathrynS, ChristineE, RanferiC, SilviaA, AnthonyT, MichaelG, AndrewS, OnnoV, JamesS, MaxB, AndrewW, NicholasL, NATHANB, PengW, OmarS, MeganR, JohnM, KatherineP, LaurieT, KellyS, GisellS, BrandonB, JudithN, BryanV, LoganT, ZoeD, TimofeyP, DavidT, JustinN, DebraM, JorgeB, AlM, HanhP, DarylG, SinaS, KathrynP, WilliamC, MartinE, ShyraO, JaynaN, CullenL, LimoW, CaraS, DebarahW, MadisonS, AllenH, MiaD, ThomasL, PeterG, ChristopherS, ChristopherT, LauraM, MarcK, IqbalK, EdwardT, BrextonP, IvanJ, JosephV, EricR, JananiS, CarlosH, JuanM, WadeP, SamanthaF, DavidS, ElizabethK, TaisS, BryanM, TerrenceM, CorinneC, CatherineB, JesseR, IvanG, ViliaB, KyleP, MichaelL, SarahM, ValenteM, KristinaD, DavidH, AmandaH, AlexandreC, DanielaS, AhjayS, AlecK, AmandaM, GregU, McGarrahW, Hsiao HuaL, SandeepS, Jose ManuelD, SUSHEELAN, RudyH, Lillyz, PhamT, MatthewD, NicholasA, ErnestoR, LiaD, CameronM, BryanM, ChristianG, StevenC, AttilaB, MichaelM, PatrickM, HanhM, RiccaB, BryanB, PeterC, BrandonF, DavidC, MariaG, DarrickM, CarolynR, OkearyW, BreeanaB, DavidL, Jenelle SchylerS, sarahs, DanielO, AldoR, AbramV, DannyS, JadeG, CharlieI, AmeliaC, QuinP, AmberY, RyanO, WesleyS, StephenM, MichaelL, AmadeusS, HannahS, JulianneD, RicardoR, JacksonK, NicholasR, RobertA, RichardD, KylieR, ChristianA, BriannaV, RachaelR, PeterM, JoanR, ZiadA, MattC, JanS, UgbadF, RichardM, JuanM, MohdA, SeanS, AnushreyaG, HollyJ, Sophiaa, JudyG, CameronK, DavidB, BhopalS, RobertD, CeceliaR, LuisC, ChrisF, ChristopherL, AmirJ, JoshW, CanliangM, ZacharyH, JessicaC, AlizR, MatthewT, CodyA, ChelseaC, JoshuaB, PeterT, ACC, AnandS, MarthaE, RobertK, BorisM, JohnW, ChristineD, JamesD, JohnnyD, SuzanneC, VinceR, LilianC, LAURAC, ChrisB, CorinneA, JohnA, AlexB, MattK, MayaC, KylaM, LucasC, RoxanaC, JoanP, JulianaL, AdamariM, MylesJ, jacob, chandlerc, KarinnaG, SalvadorT, David MF, JoeleeP, EleanorG, DemarreeR, HectorB, ErnestoF, LauraT, AmandaS, JessicaJ, ShannonH, CherylH, TroyE, lisap, StephanieK, CiaraQ, RobertT, trinityt, CharlesA, KristenC, EllisV, HeberM, AdrienneI, RitaC, JoelD, TerryK, FelixN, JohnS, AdamA, RodrigoB, EdwinL, MaryR, UdayD, MarkW, JordynG, EricS, GrahamM, ElijahG, AlyssaD, CarlosR, RebeccaP, IsaacP, JohnW, KeithF, MichaelH, KendraW, GenerA, NicoleL, LisaE, KevinM, HyunmoA, JuanM, MohdA, SeanS, AnushreyaG, HollyJ, Sophiaa, JudyG, CameronK, DavidB, BhopalS, RobertD, CeceliaR, LuisC, ChrisF, ChristopherL, AmirJ, JoshW, CanliangM, ZacharyH, JessicaC, AlizR, MatthewT, CodyA, ChelseaC, JoshuaB, PeterT, ACC, AnandS, MarthaE, RobertK, BorisM, JohnW, ChristineD, JamesD, JohnnyD, SuzanneC, VinceR, LilianC, LAURAC, ChrisB, CorinneA, JohnA, AlexB, MattK, MayaC, KylaM, LucasC, RoxanaC, JoanP, JulianaL, AdamariM, MylesJ, jacoba, chandlerc, KarinnaG, SalvadorT, David MF, JoeleeP, EleanorG, DemarreeR, HectorB, ErnestoF, LauraT, AmandaS, JessicaJ, ShannonH, CherylH, TroyE, lisap, StephanieK, CiaraQ, RobertT, trinityt, NicoleG, ManuelB, GustavoG, LanceT, SantiagoC, AllisonR, IlkaW, YuriR, DonteG, jiew, JohnJ, JoshuaB, ElizabethM, CortD, IsaiH, CarlW, ChristopherH, NestorL, CynthiaS, JeffH, KatherineA, SeanO, AdrianaM, JamesR, coralc, MarkY, AnthonyG, OmarG, BritS, MaryR, CorradoD, ChristopherG, KatherineL, FelicityD, GonzaloA, MichaelB, TingtingZ, JackS, JohnS, BeatriceR, AspenL, SpencerS, JuanA, AugustinS, XavierB, StephenL, SavannahR, IdaF, AbigailH, SusieC, RogerK, PamelaA, saraH, JohnS, AnahiB, MichelleK, SeanC, JulietR, KristenC, EllisV, HeberM, StacyW, Fr. SergioD, AlexanderM, DanL, JosephW, johnc
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San Diego, CA 92104
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Monday: Closed
Tuesday – Thursday: 10am – 7pm
Friday: 10am – 5pm
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